S No Name of the Project Staff details
1 Dish Washing Machine Mr. M. Vedachary
2 Varsatile Control System Mr. K. Ravi kiran
3 Corn Deseeder Machine Mr. K. Sathish
4 Mashroom Cropping System Mr. R. Venkateswara Reddy
5 Ratio controller Mr. K. Ravi Kiran
6 Smart Water management system Mr. J. Nageswara Reddy
7 Low cost solar freezer Mrs. V Kruparani
8 Dual Mode Groundnut Pod Stripper Mr. B. Suresh Ram
9 Agriculture Sprayer Mr. K. Bharadwaj
10 Automatic Coconut cutter Mr. Karthik Jilla
11 Writing machine Ms. D. Sowjanya Reddy
12 IOT Based Parking System Mr. Krishnarao
13 Smart dustbin Mr. Karthik Reddy
14 Library Shelf Automation Mr. K. Bharadwaj
15 Hand accelerator for automotives Mr. D. Ajay
16 Multi board with automatic cleaner Mr. D. Ajay
17 Water Harvesting Mr. Uma Mahendra Yadav
18 Gravity Light T. Rajesh
19 Automatic regulated switch V. Krupa Rani
20 Simple Elesco Vehicle Mr. M. Vedachary
21 Remote controlled sweeper and cleaner B Suresh ram and K. Ravi kiran

IEEE-EPICS Phase 1 Evaluations:

IEEE-EPICS Phase 1 Evaluation was conducted on 26th September 2018.

IEEE-EPICS Phase 2 Evaluations:

Phase 2 evaluation of IEEE-EPICS was conducted on 25th. February 2019.