Dr.E.N.V.Purna Chandra Rao
AMIE, M.Tech, Ph.D,
Dr E.N.V.Purna Chandra Rao, Head of the ECE Department has completed AMIE with Electronics and
Communication Engineering from The Institution of Engineers (India),Calcutta, M.Tech with Digital Systems
and Computer Electronics from College of Engineering, Jawaharlal Nehru Technical University, Anantapur,
Andhra Pradesh and obtained his PhD from JNTUH, Hyderabad,Telangana.
He has total 37 years of technical experience in industry and teaching. He served Indian Air Force for a period of 15 years and 04 years in MIC Electronic Limited (P), ECIL, Hyderabad.
His experience includes various levels of technical and also in administrative roles. He worked in Radar and Missile stations. He obtained Aircraft maintenance BAMEL licenses in Electrical and in Radar Systems, conducted by Director General of Civil Aviation. He has 18 years of teaching experience in the JNTU affiliated engineering colleges and taught almost all subjects of ECE branch. One Year taught in the SNIST-Vaughn Institute of Aeronautics and Technology, Hyderabad.