Major. Dr. V. A. Narayana
Major Dr.V.A.Narayana is Professor in the Department of Computer Science & Engineering and Principal at CMR College of Engineering & Technology. He received his Bachelors Degree in Mechanical Engineering from University College of Engineering, Osmania University in 1994, Masters Degree in Computer Science and Engineering from University College of Engineering, Osmania University in 2004. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering on the Topic: “Detecting Near Duplicates for Web Documents” from JNTU Hyderabad in 2014. He has over 26 years of experience out of which 11 years of service in the Indian Army and 15+ years of research and teaching experience.
He has contributed more than 26 research papers in various Scopus Indexed and IEEE Journals. His areas of interest include Data Mining, Web Mining and Database Management Systems etc., He has provided guidance for more than 22M.Tech student projects. He is currently guiding 1 Ph.D. scholar under JNTUH. He has delivered many ‘invited talks’ and ‘Guest Lectures’ at National and International levels and has authored four books. With the keen interest to promote and develop research, he has organized many International and National Conferences like NCRTCST2012,NCRTCST2013,ICACCT2019and various Workshops, Seminars etc.,
He has received many awards and honors for his service which include “SARVOTHAM ACHARYA PURASKAR” , “Organizational Excellence in Technical Education ” , “Best Educationist “,“DEWANG MEHTA” , “Best faculty”, “Best HOD” etc., He has been a part of teaching, research, training and consultancy at CMRCET since 2006.With his rich academic and research experience, he has been instrumental in executing more than 25 Sponsored Research and consultancy projects funded by various funding agencies like DST, and AICTE and other renewed agencies. He is also the Co – Investigator for “Study of Neuro Medical Diagnostics of Cognitive Impairment in case of Parkinson Disease Using Real-Time Multi-Channel Microelectrode Neural Recording System” funded by Department of Science and Technology. He has published 11 Patents.
He played a key role in the accreditation processes of National Board of Accreditation (NBA) and National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) and also in UGC Autonomous status. His vision, vibrant spirit and energy have helped in establishing CMRCET as a premiere institute in the state of Telangana. He has always been a very proactive person and has played a key role in all the activities of the College. He displays a keen interest in the affairs of the college and being a student friendly person is avidly interested in the academic progress of the students and staff. He held various positions like Head Dept. of CSE (2006–2009), Course Director & Head (Ist Year) (2009-2014) and Dean Academics (2014 – 2016) and since 2016 November as Principal. He is a fellow of Institution of Engineers (India) and member of various professional societies like Fellow Institution of Engineers (India), CSI, ISCA and ISTE.
He was involved in organizing various workshops, Seminars and International and National conferences. He has given various lectures and seminars on his research area.
• Received “SARVOTHAM ACHARYA PURASKAR” A national award for impact creators in engineering education in commemoration of 150th birth anniversary celebrations of Mahatma Gandhi.
• Received “organizational Excellence in Technical Education” award from Indywood Film Carnival 2018 on 2nd December 2018 at HITEX Convention centre Hyderabad. The award was presented by Mr. Ibrahim Abdulla Humaid Al Hosni, Managerial Official from Government of Oman.
• Received Best Educationist Award from Indian Solidarity Council New Delhi on 24/05/2018.
• Received “DEWANG MEHTA” National Education Leadership Award.
• “Detecting Near Duplicate Web Documents in Crawling” published in CONVERG – 2K8 A National Conference on Research Trends in Information Technology Organised by SRKR Engineering College Bhimavaram, AP during 22-23 Feb 2008. The paper has been received Best Paper Award.